A Universe of Energy

I facilitate distance energy healing treatments worldwide in English and Spanish.

Do you suffer from aches or pains and seek to heal them naturally?

Are you stressed out and need to relax?

Do you feel stuck and are ready to change your life?

Everything is possible…

I invite you to contact me to see how I can best help you

At the beginning of each treatment we begin with a short assessment where you tell me about the issue(s) you would like to work on. Based on this, I will define the best course of action so that you get the most benefit.

No two people are the same and we all have different needs.

At a Distance

Everything in the universe is made of energy and everything has its vibration. We are made of the same energetic material and vibration. Energy has the ability to travel through space and time. We are like antennas, constantly receiving and emitting. This is why remote treatments work just the same as in person.

In Person

There are some therapies that it is a luxury to receive in person, because in addition to the energetic work that you are receiving, you will also benefit from the human touch, and relax knowing that you are being cared for unconditionally. These therapies can include a combination of modalities according to your needs.

For Animals

The same way as humans, our pets can present imbalances that may affect them physically, psychically and emotionally. They can even absorb energies protecting their owners. Fortunately, we can offer therapies that provide them harmony and well-being. These therapies are performed remotely or through their owner.

Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our powers, only beyond our present self-knowledge.

Theodore Rozak

Modalities I Work With

Light Ascension Reiki
Emotion Code
Body Code
Medical Biomagnetism and Bioenergetics

And also:
Pathogenic Resonance
Integral Energy Therapy (TEI)
Radianostics (Therapeutic Quantum Dowsing)
Kabbalistic Hebrew Pendulum
Chakra Balancing
Aura Clearing
Floral Therapy
Crystal therapy
Color Therapy
Tameana (Vibrational therapy of Pleiadian connection)
Biomagnetic Therapy Azul Camet
Bionergetic Gastric Bypass

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